The operator pays close attention to the seam and in the end it lays flat and feels smooth so that a runner doesn't get blisters. Amazing.
This is a Hidden Comfort (gray). One of my favorites. |
This is a Hidden Comfort (gray). One of my favorites. |
Owner Chris Minkel explaining the benefits of proper shoe fit. |
L. to R. Shelley, Jason and TGA rep Dan Matena |
Balega Hoppity Hop Balls and a kegerator filled w/ Holy City (the keg doesn't stay in the store). Let the festivities begin! |
The crew. |
I guess Jason digs Hidden Comfort. Nice! |
Busy. |
The stage is set. |
Rachel (customer) excited about something...winning Balegas maybe? |
out with customers. Great bunch. |
the intercoastal. |
On our way home. The Cooper River Bridge. |